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Book Introduction: The Answer [Taken from Daily Express]
- Posted: Saturday, July 12, 2008
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- Author: christy~chamcham
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- Filed under: Book
The Answer
Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom and Live an Extraordinary Life by John Assaraf & Muray Smith
(I took this info from the Daily Express Newspaper today, Saturday, June 28)
Everyone should devote themselves likewise in time to pursuit of the exceptional. How will you spend your life? When you think about the expression spend your life you will come to a sobering realisation.
Your life is something that you actually do spend every day, just as surely as if you were pulling out your wallet and peeling off hours like ringgit notes as payment for each day's experiences and memories.
Everyday, you are trading away the moments of your life for whatever it is, you are creating and experiencing during these moments.
What do you want to trade your life for? What is with that trade? You get to choose; Infact you HAVE to.
You have zero-point field the quantum ocean of infinite information, intelligence, and knowledge. You have the unstoppable and invariable power of universal law - the Law of Attraction, Gestation, Action and Compensation.
You have the most powerful electromagnetic tuning device in the universe; The human brain, with its virtually unlimited capactiy to tap, process, and articulate the infinite wisdom of the quantum universe.
And you now also have the tools you need create the thoughts, belief, and habits of mind to use that brain to create anything you desire.
The Answer is about taking ownership of your life.
Science has now shown us, is that the principle of cause and effect applies not simply to the mechanics of matter, but to the mechanics of everything, including our thoughts.
Embracing this principle means you no longer have to luxury of blaming other people or external cirsumstances for the things that happened in your life.
Embracing the principle also measn you have far more capacity to create the events and circumstances in your life than you have ever imagine possible.
There are many things you need to know to successfully play the game of business.
A great many of them you can learn as you go, and a great many skills and fields of expertise you can bring into your business by hiring or partnering with people who possess them.
But there is one skill that you must have yourself, and it is the single most important skill of any successful businessperson, the one without which success is impossible: You must be practised of creating the thoughts that will serve your business.
The Law of Attraction is simply the action is resonance together with cause and effect.
Thoughts create events and circumstances that have the same shape or pattern, and are thus resonant with those thoughts.
This book, The Answer has one purpose: to help you answer the question - How can I access unlimited abundance? And not just answer it, but answer it with such clear, strong, and certainly that your life will never be the same.
(I am getting a copy of this book myself soon to check it out whether it is that magical like it stated on the newspaper. (You guys should too, maybe it may inspires you after reading it.)
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- christy~chamcham
- Look at your failure as a fresh opportunity, not a final defeat. Taking action is your first step to conquering your fear. Do the thing your most fear to do and fear will release its grip on your life.
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