Are You An ALPHA Female? []
- Posted: Saturday, July 12, 2008
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- Author: christy~chamcham
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- Filed under: Daily Life, Facts of Life, Read
(Just short and simple summarized infos I read from the Page.)
In a world where only the strong survive, the alpha female may find herself taking this rule too far.
There's a new breed of woman. They rule the boardroom, the bedroom, and any other room into which they walk. Aggressive, ambitious, sexually powerful and dominant.
These are women who deny they are like other woman. The best way to communicate with an AF is to be honest and straight to the point.
AFs are very intimidating to others, this makes it difficult for them to make friends and allies.
For AFs in this situation, treat your friends the same way you would treat your family. Just soften your usual approach.
Never ask her to defend her position. Instead, ask her to explain it. While explaining, she may spot flaws in her own logic but even if she doesn't, it will otter you an insight into how she thinks. When alpahs think you undersatnd their goals, they may consider alternate ways of reaching them.
Offer as many details as possible. Non- alphas bosses want to hear you say you'll take care of it. Alpha bosses in the other hand, wants to know how you'll take care of it.
Don't confuse arrogance with self-confidence. Alphas may think they are smarter than anyone else, but they also have an inner critic. Though they won't respond to flattery, they will to specific praise.
Don't ever complain to alphas. They see it as weakness. Instead, ask for advice from them.
If an alpha is wrong, let her learn from her mistakes. She will accept it better that way.
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- christy~chamcham
- Look at your failure as a fresh opportunity, not a final defeat. Taking action is your first step to conquering your fear. Do the thing your most fear to do and fear will release its grip on your life.
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christy~chamcham said:
I am surely not an Alpha Female. Hehe, I can be clumsy and silly. Unlike Alpha womans, they are always that strict in live. Very tense hanging out with them if I do.