How to Help Someone Who have the Thought of Commiting Suicide.
- Posted: Saturday, July 12, 2008
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- Author: christy~chamcham
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- Filed under: Daily Life, Facts of Life, Read
I just finished watching part of the episode of a chinese drama, "The Chamber of Sorrow". It is a drama about a family, how they deal with their emotions, problems, conflicts, trials, obstacles and all the challeges they are facing(One of the scene; The woman tried to attemp suicide after being rejected by her love one badly eventhough she know she is married to another man which she have no feelings towards). I have not yet reach the last episode of the story, I would not know how the ending might end up with. Anyway... I've been thinking alot, and read articles from website, even heard it from friends, they are actually facing the same categories of problem.
What I think...
I believe the reasons why human go through all of this emotions and trouble, because they are always a worrywart. Worry what will happen and coming to them in the future. The definition of worrywart; People who always thinks about unfortunate things that might happen. Some people just wear masks and try to make it not so visible by others and not letting them know that they are having this kind of situation of problem.
Everybody will go through this kind of emotions in life. No one is exceptional. Part of the emotional pain what I am going share about is being depress. Depression that causes the big cases such as suicidal attempts among adults even among the youngsters.
If you've been diagnosed with depression, you may wonder why it had to happen to you. The fact is that anyone can get depression.
The first step in fighting depression is to understand what it is, how it affects you, and what causes it.
Simple cases, when a person is in depress, they probably would just cry out on public or find a room, and where there will be no one to see and hear them do so and they would just cry it out. Some people, would just put their depression away into a level at the bottom of everything, and keep it to themselves and not even want to express it out.
That's what happened when they don't even share what they feel to other person. End up they attempt suicidals (Suicidal people often feel terribly isolated; because of their distress, they may not think of anyone they can turn to, furthering this isolation) just to get rid of that emotional pain that they are having.
So, it is a priority that everyone should learn how to handle or deal with their own depression when they are in such mode with positive and healthy way.
What is Depression?
Some people say that depression feels like a black curtain of despair coming down over their lives. Many people feel like they have no energy and can't concentrate. Most people with depression never seek help, even though the majority will respond to treatment. Treating depression is especially important because it affects you, your family, and your work. Some people with depression try to harm themselves in the mistaken belief that how they are feeling will never change. Depression is a treatable illness. via
Many people suffer from depression and don't even acknowledge it or recognize the symptoms enough to seek treatment or help. Depression itself is caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals as well as other factors. We read many quotes in psychological journals and on health websites that describe depression as "feeling like a black curtain of despair coming down over your life". Those that suffer from depression often lack energy to even get out of bed in the mornings. They are unable to concentrate on any task for very long and they become overwhelmed with negative feelings and thoughts. The bigger problem that exists is that most people who have depression will not actually seek help and get on a treatment program to lift their emotional and mental states of mind. If you are a woman, you are almost twice as likely to become drepressed as man. Via
What are the causes of Depression?
Depression has no single cause; often, it results from a combination of things. You may have no idea why depression has struck you.
Whatever its cause, depression is not just a state of mind. It is related to physical changes in the brain, and connected to an imbalance of a type of chemical that carries signals in your brain and nerves. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters. Some causes are below;
So.. How are you going to help your friends or yourself IF they felt like they wanted to attemp suicide or even tried to attempted suicide? (This is what I had read from articles, and what I know. Can be false XD)
When something bad occured in our life, even though we tried to avoid from it, end up we are depress over someting which we, ourselves think that we do no deserves it in our life.
But does it mean it's right to have the thought of giving up? Yes, it's okie to have the feeling of giving up. It is also a positive thinking of learning from failure in our life. So, what happened when you kept failing and never seems to able to make the right choice in your life?
That is why we need to learn how to control, deal or handle with our emotions of being depress properly in a healthy way.
Does talking about suicide topics would encourage a person?
It depends what aspect you talk about. Talking about the feelings surrounding suicide promotes understanding and can greatly reduce the immediate distress of a suicidal person. In particular, it is OK toask someone if they are considering suicide, if you suspect that they are not coping. If they are feeling suicidal, it can come as a great relief to see that someone else has some insight into how they feel.
This can be a difficult question to ask, so here are some possible approaches:
"Are you feeling so bad that you're considering suicide?"
"That sounds like an awful lot for one person to take; has it made you think about killing yourself to escape?"
"Has all that pain you're going through made you think about hurting yourself?"
"Have you ever felt like just throwing it all away?"
The most appropriate way to raise the subject will differ according tothe situation, and what the people involved feel comfortable with.It's also important to take the persons overall response into consideration when interpreting their answer, since a person in distress may initially say "no", even if they mean "yes". A person who isn't feeling suicidal will usually be able to give a comfortable "no" answer, and will often continue by talking about a specific reason they have for living. It can also be helpful to ask what they would do if they ever were in a situation where they were seriously considering killing themselves, in case they become suicidal at some point in the future, or they are suicidal but don't initially feel comfortable about telling you.
Depending on a person's individual response, risk factors that may contribute to a person feeling suicidal include:
- Significant changes in:
- Relationships.
- Well-being of self or family member.
- Body image.
- Job, school, university, house, locality.
- Financial situation.
- World environment.
- Significant losses:
- Death of a loved one.
- Loss of a valued relationship.
- Loss of self esteem or personal expectations.
- Loss of employment.
- Perceived abuse:
- Physical.
- Emotional/Psychological.
- Sexual.
- Social.
- Neglect.
Like I mentioned before, depression is the main reason we human have the thought of giving up in life including wanted to commit suicide.
If you think you are depressed, you’re not alone. Depression is far more common in teens than you may think, and there is a lot of hope and help on the horizon. No matter what you believe, people love and care about you, and if you can muster the courage to talk about your depression, it can — and will — be resolved. Some people think that talking about sad feelings will make them worse, but the opposite is almost always true. It is very helpful to share your worries with someone who will listen and care, especially a trained professional who can guide you towards feeling better.
What you can do to help..
Depression is not your fault, and you didn’t do anything to cause it. However, you do have some control over feeling better. Staying connected to friends and family, sharing your feelings with someone you trust, and making healthy lifestyle decisions can all have a hugely positive impact on your mood.
- Ask for help if you’re stressed
- Try not to isolate yourself
- Remember that you are not alone
- Keep your body healthy
- Avoid alcohol and drugs
- Talking to your parents about depression
Get your friend to talk to you. Starting a conversation about depression can be daunting, but you can say something simple: "You seem like you are really down, and not yourself. I really want to help you. Is there anything I can do?"
Know that your friend doesn’t expect you to have the answers. Your friend probably just needs someone to listen and be supportive. By listening and responding in a non-judgmental and reassuring manner, you are helping in a major way.
Encourage your friend to get help. Urge your depressed friend to talk to a parent, teacher, or counselor. It might be scary for your friend to admit to an authority figure that there is a problem. Having you there might help, so offer to go along for support.
Stick with your friend through the hard times. Depression can make people do and say things that are hurtful or strange. But your friend is going through a very difficult time, so try not to take it personally. Once your friend gets help, he or she will go back to being the person you know and love. In the meantime, make sure you have other friends or family taking care of you – your feelings are important and need to be respected, too.
Speak up if your friend is suicidal. If your friend is joking or talking about suicide, giving possessions away, or saying goodbye, tell a trusted adult immediately. Your only responsibility at this point is to get your friend help, and get it fast. Even if you promised not to tell, your friend needs your help. It’s better to have a friend who is temporarily angry at you than one who is no longer alive.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Cherish your life, and always be thankful of what you have now.
Why do people suicide?
Treatment for Depression.
Dealing with Teen Depression.
Understanding and Treatment Depression
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- christy~chamcham
- Look at your failure as a fresh opportunity, not a final defeat. Taking action is your first step to conquering your fear. Do the thing your most fear to do and fear will release its grip on your life.
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